Internet Marketing For Political Campaigns | Federal, State & Local Capabilities

DISCLAIMER: Boost Local, its subsidiaries, owners, employees and business partners have no specific political affiliation. We are not left, we are not right, we are simply American. We have no interest in taking a side or backing any specific candidate or party. Our only interest is winning. We absolutely will not provide past campaign examples, references of any kind or even hint as to who we have worked with. We only work on one campaign at a time per state or locality. We only deal with campaign managers or candidates directly. We are in this for profit, not for any other reason…keep that in mind should you choose to call.


Why you need us

With the rise of social media and the internet, its has become increasingly important to have a strong online focus not that is full circle. What is full circle? The internet contains many channels that can be used to amplify a message, sway opinion or make a case for a person or issue. It takes real expertise to identify those opportunities, their values to the specified goals and most importantly – the plan for execution.

Real Time Execution

The political climate is fast paced and shifts in real time, it does not care what time of day it is or what you have going on in your life at that moment. Thus, those persons on the forefront of the digital battle that is your campaign must be willing to go above and beyond regardless of personal needs. That is what separates the winners from the losers.

Employing Technology Not Just People

With the tools available in this day and age – the scope of what can be achieved has significantly changed at the macro as well as the micro levels. The idea that you can win a campaign by simply “hitting the trail” has forever changed. The campaign trail is now digital and its 24/7 365. Even after you have reached office, there will always be another election – the wheels of the machine never stop because public opinion being shaped. Ever.

Data Driven Winning Machine

Every vote counts, plain and simple. These votes are won in many ways, identifying the micro moment at which decisions are made and opinions are formed is the key to winning. This is achieved through a data based approach to positioning, but more importantly the time time and space in which idea is planted and how it spreads.

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